Year 3's adventures with swimming!
Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 1:02pm
This week, Year 3 have been very brave and have taken the plunge into swimming lessons!
We had a great time learning how to climb in and out safely, how to carefully dip our faces into the water and took our first steps to buiding confidence to float and kick in the water!
Mr Barlow was very proud of how we took to walking all that way to the baths and back again in torrential rain!
We all remembered our kit (More than Mr B did!) Thank you to all the mums and dads for being patient and paeparing us with the right kit. It is much appreciated.
Back in the classroom, we have worked very hard on creating an explanation text for how Stonehenge was built and become super confident in using our 8 times tables!
What a week we have all had!